Posted by Jess
15 August 2010

Ok, it's been hot here.  And humid.  Like Florida in August hot and humid, but we're being troopers.  However, today is a different story.

We decided to try Sunday Service at the church that Ella's preschool is connected to - Tokyo Union Church (TUC).  We got ready and headed to Starbuck's for breakfast...

hot cocoa (no matter how hot it is outside!) and a churro for E
donut and water for A
 ...and then off to service at 10am.  The people are really nice and we were instantly welcomed.  The service was a bit long (about 1hr 20m) but Ella got to go to the kids learning time for about an hour of it and Abby was in the nursery playing so we at least didn't have to worry too much about the kids acting up.  Ella enjoyed the children's time and did not want to leave all the kids - I think this will be a good chance for us to meet some friends for her (starting with Vacation Bible School this week)The pastors are both from the States and the sermon was about the movie Superman, so I think it will be a place we can connect to.  Plus we met one of the people that live in our building - they have 3 kids - 2 girls about 5 and 7 and a boy who looks about 2.  They are from Vancouver and hopefully the girls could be playmates for Ella!

After church the plan was to head to the farmers market nearby.  We did head there but on the way noticed how extremely hot it is today.  We knew we couldn't stay out long.  We hit up the market (which didn't have many vendors, but that might be because its August and there aren't as many people in the city right now) and bought a few veggies and then headed indoors for a quick lunch.

After that we headed home and we'll be spending the rest of the day indoors.  It's 91 degrees outside and with the heat index, it feels like 104.  Yikes.  That's above our limit of how much heat we can take.  It's supposed to be the same thing tomorrow so besides Jay taking Ella to Vacation Bible School and home again, I don't think they'll be outside much!  August average high is 86 degrees and we've been running above that every day since we've been here.  The kicker is that the average humidity is 92%.  We drip when we walk.  August is the hottest month here and September is still in the 70's but WET.  So I think once we get through those we'll be doing well.  The winters are mild so that's the bonus for getting through this yucky summer heat!

Here's a chart from the BBC (with a corrected conversion from metric to standard) to give you an idea of what the weather is like in Tokyo year round.

So now we'll play in the house for the rest of the day and get ready for my first day of work tomorrow!


Comments (1)

On August 15, 2010 at 5:04 PM , Stacy Thomas said...

Holy cow your oldest looks exactly like you. Your girls are adorable. Enjoy your first day of work!