06 December 2010
Posted by Ella

Last night before Abby and I went to bed Mommy and Daddy made sure our stockings were hung on the window.  Mommy said that since I have been pretty good that Saint Nick might come and fill my stocking with fun stuff.  I was so excited I had trouble falling asleep, and I had taken a nap earlier so my eyes were not tired.

I must have fallen asleep because Mommy, Daddy and Abby came in my room this morning and woke me up and said that Saint Nick had come while we were asleep!  I was still really tired, but then I got excited and went out to the living room. There were two stockings on the couch.  One for me and one for Abby.  My stocking had lots of fun stuff!  There were toys, a car, some candy, colored gold fish, animal crackers, and Llama Llama and the Holiday Drama book!  I then helped Abby with her stocking which was very much the same except she got a new Elmo Christmas book.  Saint Nick knows us pretty well!

Mommy took some pictures to share!

We can't wait until Christmas!



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