07 December 2010
Posted by Jay

On Sunday we went to the Swedish Embassy which was holding a Christmas Bazaar.  We were turned on to this by one of the other gents in my Stay at Home Dads group.  It was only 500yen (~$6) to get in and all proceeds went to the Swedish Womens Educational Association.  It was not very big, but it had a bunch of booths with both traditional Swedish fare and Japanese fare.  Ella and Abby enjoyed the Swedish hot dogs (not really Swedish).  They had pastries, meatballs, mulled wine, snaps with a song, and a gingerbread house.  The girls did not want to see Santa, but he was there.  Ella went fishing and caught a bag of Lilo and Stitch pens and suckers.  We also met up with a couple of the other guys in my group and some of their kids and significant others.  There was also some traditional music and dancing that the girls enjoyed watching.  Overall we had a really good time, ate some food and enjoyed some Scandinavian culture.


Comments (1)

On December 7, 2010 at 1:03 PM , Kelly said...

What? Ella went fishing and didn't catch Swedish Fish?!? Such a missed opportunity on behalf of the Embassy.