Posted by Jay
08-September 2010

So in the month that we have been here it hasn't rained one day, that is until today.  Basically we are getting collateral damage from a typhoon nearby and they have even put out flood warnings.  Now, back in Minnesota we were pretty used to storms with lots of rain.  The thing is we had cars in Minnesota, where here we rely on public transportation and our lower appendages. 

So bringing Ella to school this morning was not too bad.  It was only a heavy sprinkle and the umbrella worked just fine, I barely got wet. Going to pick her up was a whole new ballgame.  It was a downpour. Luckily we had bought new rain jackets for everyone and a rain cover for the stroller.  My rain jacket worked great!...For my top half, shorts and shoes soaked.  I brought Ella's rain boots and jacket so we decided to walk home in the rain.  It is normally about a 15 minute walk, but with the rain. and jumping in the puddles, it took almost 30 minutes.  We had an absolute blast!  Ella jumped into every stream, and they were small streams on the road, and splashed only a few people. 

It was a lot of fun, luckily we didn't have to be anywhere except home. A nice warm bath was the perfect ending to a romp in the rain!



Comments (1)

On September 8, 2010 at 12:48 PM , If Love Was Water, I'd Give You The Sea said...

Splashing in the puddles sounds like a lot of fun to me, even more fun if you get an innocent bystander wet!! Love to you all!