15 September 2010
Posted by Jay

So in the spirit of sharing our immersion into Japanese culture I thought I would share the amazing Japanese dinner I prepared for Ella, Abby and myself.  I also attached some pictures of the cans/jars in case you want to look for the items at your local Japanese market.

So I made what they call "Sloppy Joes" and french fries.  So being from the States, I had never heard of this obscure meal and was excited to try it out.  Ella was feeling especially adventurous and Abby is always up for something new.

So I found all the ingredients at the local grocery store:
450g ground beef
1 can "Manwich"
6 buns
1 bag frozen french fries

So first you fry up the beef and once browned add the can of "Manwich". While doing this preheat your oven to 230C (450F for us Americans) and put the fries in for 15 minutes. To serve out the finished "Sloppy Joe" on a bun with the pickles and serve with french fries and this condiment called "ketchup".  This "ketchup" I am assuming comes from tomatoes, as there are pictures of them on the side.

I also had a traditional Japanese drink called Guiness.  I think it is similar to what we would call beer.

Please enjoy the pictures below and try it out for yourselves!

"Manwich"  I had to ask the front desk to translate
Finished meal, I can see how they are so thin!
Thumbs up from E


Comments (2)

On September 15, 2010 at 9:39 AM , Unknown said...

That Guinness looks great even at 10:30am. Nice head there.

On September 15, 2010 at 11:53 AM , If Love Was Water, I'd Give You The Sea said...

Hey, that looks pretty good! I might have to put that on my menu for this next week, better yet, that could be Jeff's homecoming meal! I'm serious, I love manwich!