1 June 2011
Posted by Jess

Wanted to pop back onto the blog after a bit of an absence to say Happy Birthday to Jason!  It's been a crazy year filled with lots of ups and downs we never expected but through it all, Jason's been amazing and I'm so grateful for him - I'm sure that things would be so much harder for me to be so far away if I didn't know that the girls (and the other half of our life!) were in such good hands.

As for me, I'm back in Tokyo and working towards wrapping things up.  While the return date isn't definitive yet, I'm aiming for just a few weeks left in Asia.  Hopefully we'll nail that down soon.  I spent two weeks in May in the US and it was fantastic!  We've been able to move back into our home now so when I arrived on Friday, we were able to go back to a familiar place.  It was amazing to me that by the time we woke up on Saturday it felt like we had never left, as if we lived the last year of our life in a black hole.  Even Ella remembered things from around our house and ways to get to some of our old stomping grounds, which reminds me that it has been a year, because just a few months ago she didn't really remember much (or at least that she knew).

The two weeks were filled with family and work and it felt good.  The girls and I celebrated the upcoming arrival of our new niece/cousin at a baby shower, we visited with family in from out of town, we worked on the yard and house to get ready for summer, finished up the necessary paperwork on our new car, took walks, went to the pool, and played outside whenever possible.   I also spent a lot of time at work trying to figure out what's next for me when I leave Japan.  I'll definitely share what's next for us when we have it all sorted out (hopefully soon!). 

On the 30th I arrived back in Japan to a rainy Sunday evening.  June is a rainy month here and a few typhoons have been moving through the area so it's a pretty steady rain during these times.  Luckily I have my trusty rain boots and an umbrella!  I realized when I was making my way home from the airport on Sunday that I really love this city.  Being away and rejuvenating with my family allowed me to refresh my view of the city and much like when we were back in the US for the Christmas holiday, I remember all the things I love about living in a big city with so much to do and see.

The next few weeks will be busy at work while I work to get things in order for this job and the next one, we have a work trip next week and somewhere in all of this I have to pack up the apartment and close up our affairs here so I'm ready to go whenever we get the final date figured out.  We're definitely on the homestretch which is a little bittersweet, but having my family back in the U.S. waiting for me makes it easier to look forward to ending my time here.  I'm certain that when we are all back together as a family, the adventure is still just beginning...


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