Posted by Jess
08 August 2010

Ok, 3 days and 3 nights in - it feels like a week.  The girls internal clocks are not adjusting well to the time change yet which is making for long days and very long nights in our house.  Jason and I have been sleeping in shifts to make sure someone is up with them.  For those of you with newborns, I have to say that we empathize with you right now and even think this is worse - because they don't go back to sleep and aren't just up to eat - they want to play, watch tv, all kinds of fun - at 2am!  Plus our kids were both really good sleepers so we've just been spoiled.  I'm sure our neighbors love us. 

Here's how our nights have gone so far:

Thursday night:
Both girls pass out at 9pm once we get to our apartment.  After a long day of plane ride, car ride, excitement of it all, we're happy for the break and Jason and I head to bed.
12:30am - Abby wakes up.  And so, Jason gets up with her.
3:30am - Abby still up, now Ella gets up, Jason tag teams me and I get up with them while he gets some more sleep.
6:00am - Both girls still up, Jason joins us and we're up for the day.

Friday at 9am a person from the relocation agency showed us around our neighborhood, got us registered at the local city hall, showed us how to ride the bus and subway, and helped us open a bank account.  Around 3pm we got back to our apartment and this is when it all goes horribly wrong!  Since we've been awake since 3:30 in the morning, we decide that everyone needs naps.  The girls go down easy and so do Jay and I.  The problem is, no one wakes up.  So at 9pm, Jason and I wake up from our "naps" and realize that its too late now - let's hope the girls sleep through the night.  No such luck.

Friday night:
Abby gets up at 11:30pm.  Ella at 2am and tells me "I'm done sleeping".  Great.  Jason takes Abby from 11:30 to 2am.  I get up with both girls and we all stay up until daylight.  But at least we get to talk to some folks back home since its the middle of the afternoon in the US. 

Saturday goes on for ages.  We do some shopping in the morning for stuff for the house and then come back to take a nap.  This time only the girls nap and Jason and I decide to tough it out.  The nap is short - only about 2 hours.  Wake up the girls, make dinner, low-key afternoon.  Abby falls asleep around 6pm - just a little early of her "normal" time in the US.  Ella falls asleep watching Mary Poppins at 7:30 on the couch.  Jason and I go to bed around 9pm and pray for a full night's sleep.  No such luck (again).

Saturday night:
Ella sleeps until 6:30am (hooray!!!).  Abby, however, is again up at 12:45am.  I get up with her.  Around 1:45 I get her back to sleep on her bed.  2:30am she's up again and playing in the house - Jason gets up with her this time and is up with her until about 4am.  He brings her back to me and we try to get her to sleep with us in the bed.  Try being the key word.  She sleeps on and off and so do we until Ella gets up at 6am and we all start our day.

And so today is Sunday.  Its 3pm and we'll do another post about what we've done today but right now Ella is taking a nap and Abby is playing - but she is tired.  And of course, so are we.

Here's hoping for a full night's sleep tonight. 
More later with pictures from today's first family trip out into Tokyo.


Comments (1)

On August 8, 2010 at 11:23 AM , If Love Was Water, I'd Give You The Sea said...

Hope that this week gets better for the sleep schedule!!